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Welcome to Zen Financial Astrology

Your Astral Career Advisor

As your Astral Business Advisor, we offer unique insights that go beyond traditional financial planning


Our services combine astrological insights with practical financial strategies


Star-Aligned Business Planning

Welcome to a new way of planning your business. We mix the ancient knowledge of the stars with real-world money skills to help your business shine.


Cosmic Career Timing

Find the best time to make your career moves! We use star wisdom and real-world business smarts to guide your professional journey.


Astro-Guided Relocation

Thinking of moving? We'll help you find the best place for your success and happiness, using both star signs and real-world smarts.


Fortune-Attracting Logo Design

Need a powerful logo for your business? We'll design one that not only looks great but also aligns with cosmic energies for success.


Celestial Investment Strategy

Make your money work for you with a mix of heavenly insight and down-to-earth financial wisdom.


Star-Powered Debt Solutions

Struggling with debt? We'll help you break free using a mix of cosmic insight and proven money management techniques.


Cosmic Legal Guidance

Are legal troubles keeping you up at night? Our Cosmic Legal Guidance service combines astrology with practical legal strategy to help you face legal challenges with confidence.


Awakening Lord Kuber

Want to open the floodgates of prosperity? Let's awaken Lord Kuber, the god of wealth, in your life using ancient wisdom and modern financial strategies.


About Me

As your Astral Financial Advisor, Sunil Shah, CA, brings together a unique blend of expertise:

  • 3 decades of deep immersion in Astrology, Vastu, and Cosmic Sciences, guided by learned gurus

  • 30+ years of hands-on experience in corporate finance and strategic leadership

  • Mastery in applying celestial wisdom to real-world financial decisions

  • Expertise in fund management, business modeling, and financial restructuring

  • Certified financial consultant with a strong background in modern business systems

My journey has been shaped by the teachings of esteemed gurus, whose profound knowledge in Astrology, Vastu, and Cosmic Sciences I've had the privilege to learn and apply. This spiritual wisdom, combined with my extensive corporate experience, allows me to offer guidance that bridges the ancient and the modern, the cosmic and the practical.

Whether you're leading a large corporation or taking your first steps as an entrepreneur, our approach combines time-tested celestial strategies with solid financial principles. We don't just plan for success – we align your path with the cosmic forces that shape our world.

Ready to unlock your true potential and navigate your financial journey with cosmic insight? Book your transformative consultation today. Together, we'll chart a course for your prosperity that's as expansive as the universe itself.


How we work

With over three decades of entrepreneurial experience, we provide down-to-earth advice empowered by cosmic intelligence. Whether you're launching a venture, facing legal uncertainties, or seeking to amplify your wealth, our celestial strategies illuminate your path to success.

Ready to align your financial decisions with the wisdom of the stars? Book your transformative consultation today and step into a future where your potential is as limitless as the universe itself


Why choose us


Know when to make your move. We'll show you the best times to launch projects, sign deals, or make big changes. It's like having a cosmic calendar for your success.

Money Sense


Star Sense

Get advice that's both practical and cosmic. We blend real-world money smarts with star wisdom. It's not just about what to do, but when and how to do it for the best results.

Your Complete
Success Blueprint

We consider all aspects of your life to create a personalized prosperity plan. From career goals to personal aspirations, we help you design a well-rounded path to success and fulfillment.


What people are saying

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Your questions, answered

in Touch

Discover your ideal business path aligned with your cosmic destiny

Cosmic Career Blueprint

Optimize your career moves with precision timing based on celestial events

Planetary Professional Timing

Navigate global opportunities with our specialized relocation astrology

Cosmic Relocation Compass

Design prosperity-attracting logos using sacred geometry and Vastu principles

Astral Logo Crafting

Identify your most suitable investment avenues, from stocks to startups

Zodiac Wealth Portfolio

Overcome financial challenges with practical, star-guided solutions

Stellar Debt Dissolution

Unlock the power of the cosmos combined with proven financial expertise to navigate your business and personal wealth decisions. At Zen Financial Astrology, we offer a unique blend of celestial wisdom and over three decades of corporate finance experience to guide your path to success.

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